We invest at
pre-seed and seed in founders taking back our public services and markets.

Civic Marketplace

Transforming procurement in local government so contracts can go to smaller businesses.

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Science Machine

An AI copilot for scientists, making drug discovery easier and safer, and shifting the value chain from big pharma.

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Robots that build software for Industry, revolutionising how productive individuals and teams can be in the (very regulated) sectors that power our economies.

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Building machine shops to reinvent precision manufacturing. This startup’s new wave of entrepreneurs are capitalising on hardware and software to reshore, meet critical demand and reindustrialise economies.

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Fixing government procurement with a marketplace of providers.

Making drug discovery easier and safer.

Rewiring critical industry through transformative software.

Machine shops reindustrialising economies, and redefining blue-collar work.

Building the future?
Let us help you get there.

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